Bill Bryant Endowed Scholarship

Bill Bryant Endowed Scholarship

Bill Bryant taught vocational agriculture in Seven Springs, NC from 1949 to 1955. He then taught vocational agriculture in Bladenboro, NC from 1955 to 1963. In 1963, Bill accepted a position and joined the faculty of Fayetteville Technical Institute (now FTCC). For many years he worked in the field of adult education, setting up literacy classes mainly in Cumberland and Robeson counties, and working with business and industry in planning courses and programs. For a short period of time, he served as Dean of Adult Education. In his latter years with FTI, he served as director of the evening school. Bill retired from FTI in 1987. He considered the community college system to be a boon to the people of North Carolina and was proud to have had apart in its growth and success. Mr. Bill Bryant passed away May 27, 2008.