Barbara Pritchard Poole and L. Harold Poole Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students in the Funeral Service Program.
The recipient(s) must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5.
Must be enrolled in 3 credits or more.
Award may be used for tuition, books, uniforms, and supplies.
Employees of L. Harold Poole Funeral Service will have the first right of refusal.
The student must work in NC in Funeral Service for at least one year after graduation.
The student must pass all boards in Funeral Service including state and national boards.
If all of this criteria are not met by the student receiving the scholarship, the student must reimburse the endowed scholarship for all the money they were awarded.
Please note: The amount of the scholarship awarded is dependent upon income available and may vary from year to year.
Merit or Need Based

Need/Merit Based, Public Service